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System Sensor By Honeywell-Us
Model # : RTS151
Main Features
  • Height : 4.8"
  • Width : 2.9"
  • Depth : 1.4"
Marketing Information
System Sensor's RTS151 is an automatic fire detector accessory designed to test a remotely located detector. The RTS151 mounts to a single gang box (2 1/ 2" minimum depth), or directly to the wall or ceiling. RTS151 shall be place and hold the painted side of the magnet to the test location RTS151. RTS151 with the magnet in place some time will elapse (40 sec. maximum) depending on the detector type, before the alarm indicating LED will light. The RTS151 is capable of resetting only certain System Sensor models of detectors.
  • Category : Smoke Detector Accessories Detection Devices
  • UPC Code : 783863038068
 Note : All product information is subject to change without notice.
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